Utility Bill Help Program

Utility Bill Help Program


grayscale icon of house with hydronic heating pipe underneath

The Utility Bill Help program refers income-qualified Colorado residents to bill assistance programs to help pay their utility bills. These programs are run by Atmos Energy, Black Hills Energy, Colorado Natural Gas, and Xcel Energy. Once applicants are referred by UBH, eligibility and final benefits are determined. 

Potential benefits limit home natural gas and electric bills to a maximum of 6% of a customer’s annual income.

Person with glasses and orange shirt reading utility bill at desk with computer and calculator.


The Utility Bill Help program refers income-qualified Colorado residents to assistance programs that help pay utility bills.

If qualified, customers are referred to their utility’s assistance program for final benefit determination. Benefits can limit home natural gas and electric bills to a maximum of 6% of annual income.


You may qualify for the Utility Bill Help program if you meet the following two requirements:

  • You are a customer of Atmos Energy, Black Hills Energy, Colorado Natural Gas, or Xcel Energy
  • You are currently receiving state or government benefits including SNAP, AND, Medicaid, CHP+, WIC, TANF, or SSI.

Customers that meet the above requirements and have been denied LEAP may still be eligible for assistance and are encouraged to apply.

Download a Paper Application

The UBH program will begin accepting applications November 1, 2024.

Paper applications can be submitted via email to dora_utility_bill_help@state.co.us or mailed to:

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission

Attention: Utility Bill Help Program

1560 Broadway, Suite 250

Denver, CO 80202

Media and Marketing Materials
Other Energy Assistance Resources
  • Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP). LEAP is a federal funded program that helps eligible Colorado families and individuals pay a portion of their winter heating costs. Application and approval for LEAP benefits provides the fastest access to additional programs for energy bill assistance. LEAP enrollment also prevents disconnection of service.
  • Energy Outreach Colorado (EOC)
    • Energy Outreach Colorado’s Crisis Intervention Program (CIP) provides critical emergency heating system repairs or replacements for income-qualified Colorado households at no cost. Services include repair of failed furnaces or boilers and replacement of failed heating systems. CIP doesn’t cover routine maintenance and upkeep of a home’s heating system. To be qualified for this service you must be approved for LEAP.
    • Energy Outreach Colorado’s Affordable Residential Energy (CARE) program provides income-qualified Coloradans with free home energy efficiency upgrades for homeowners and renters. This program connects you with a local agency to conduct an energy audit on your home, which will then work with contractors to install qualifying upgrades. These upgrades may include the following: insulation, refrigerators, LEDs, shower heads, air sealing, and qualifying furnaces and water heaters.
    • Energy Outreach Colorado’s Bill Payment Assistance Program provides emergency financial assistance with past-due energy bills for income-qualified Colorado resident throughout the year. To receive assistance, renters or homeowners must be past-due on a utility bill, or be low on fuel. Applicants must pay their utility or fuel bills directly and not as part of their rent. Visit https://www.energyoutreach.org/find-agency/ or call 1-866-432-8435 to find a nearby agency that can help.
  • The Colorado Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). WAP helps qualified Coloradans save money, increase comfort, and better their homes and environment through proven, energy conservation solutions.

Have Questions or Need Help?

You can call or email the Utility Bill Help program.

Phone: 303-869-0380

Email: dora_utility_bill_help@state.co.us