Incarcerated People's Communications Services (IPCS)

Important Dates:
IPCS Virtual Task Force Meeting 02/11/2025 6PM MST 
Access the IPCS Virtual Task Force Meeting Using the Zoom Link

Welcome to the Colorado IPCS Program
The Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is tasked with fostering transparency to the public by way of four primary duties regarding Incarcerated People’s Communications Services in the State of Colorado:

  • Receive informal consumer complaints. IPCS staff at the PUC utilizes this data to identify the providers that are receiving complaints, understand the types of complaints being made, and attempt to find resolutions between the IPCS providers and their consumers when possible.
  • Conduct biannual quality testing on the IPCS systems and technologies being utilized within Colorado facilities that hold incarcerated people. This testing offers insight into the level that any given system is functioning while also ensuring that IPCS providers are adhering to the FCC intrastate rate.
  • Receive and publicly publish quarterly reports from the IPCS providers that are utilized to monitor and ensure adherence to FCC intrastate rate caps. Additionally, the IPCS Program makes the contractual agreements between all facilities and their IPCS Providers along with copies of each company’s unclaimed funds policies available to the public.
  • Publicly publish annual reports that are an amalgamation of all the data received through a given calendar year; including, but not limited to, the quarterly reporting data, the findings of the biannual quality testing, the trends in consumer complaints, the identification of problematic practices or technology with proposed resolutions, and the compliance or noncompliance of all ICS providers within Colorado regarding the set FCC intrastate rate caps. 

Current, Future, and Ongoing Initiatives 

  • Amend the Rules Regulating Telecommunications Services and Providers of Telecommunications Services contained in 4 Code of Colorado Regulations (CCR) 723-2-2011, and to adopt new Rules 2810 through 2812 (collectively, the Inmate Communication Services Rules) (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)
  • Establish a quarterly IPCS Task Force to improve the communication and cooperation amongst stakeholders within the IPCS industry.