
Chairman Eric Blank


Eric Blank


Eric Blank was appointed Chairman of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) on December 11, 2020, by Governor Jared Polis for a four-year term effective January 12, 2021. His term expires in January of 2025. 

More about Chairman Blank >

Commissioner Megan Gilman



Commissioner Megan Gilman

Megan Gilman was first appointed to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) on March 6, 2020, by Gov. Jared Polis and confirmed by the Colorado Senate on March 13, 2020. She was reappointed in 2024. Her term expires January 2028. 

More about Commissioner Gilman >

Commissioner Tom Plant



Colorado PUC Commissioner Tom Plant

Tom Plant was appointed to the Public Utilities Commission on January 13, 2023, by Gov. Jared Polis and confirmed by the Colorado Senate on February 3, 2023. His term expires in January 2027.

More about Commissioner Plant >

Disclosures of Private Communications

Section 40-6-122, C.R.S, requires PUC Commissioners and Administrative Law Judges to disclose all private communications to or from interested persons concerning matters under the commissioners' or judges' jurisdiction. The disclosure memoranda are filed by the respective Commissioner or Administrative Law Judge with the Director of the PUC. The files are maintained and available for public inspection for a minimum of three years.

Commissioner disclosures can be found on their individual pages.  Administrative Law Judge disclosures can be found on the ALJ Disclosures page.