Electric Rules

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723-3 Electric Rules

Consent Form to Disclose Utility Customer Data

Electric Rules (PDFs in Google Drive)


Regulations Incorporated by Reference in PUC Rules

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Copy of IEEE-NESC_C2(2007)


Regulations Incorporated by Reference in PUC Rules (PDFs in Google Drive)

Annotated Rules Index

[Effective September 14, 2024] Community Solar Garden Rulemaking pursuant to HB23-1137, adopted in Proceeding No. 24R-0133E.

[Effective May 15, 2024] Amendments to Gas and Electric Disconnection Rules, adopted in Proceeding No. 22R-0557EG.

[Effective March 6, 2024] Temporary Rules Regulating Electric & Gas Utilities, adopted in Proceeding No. 24R-0107EG.

[Effective December 15, 2023] Amendments to Rules Regulating Net Metering for Multi-Unit, adopted in Proceeding No. 23R-0024E.

[Effective August 30, 2023] Powerline Pathways Rulemaking, HB22-1104, adopted in Proceeding No. 23R-0069E.

[Effective August 14, 2023] Temporary Rules Regulating Electric & Gas Utilities, SB23-291, adopted in Proceeding No. 23R-0408EG.

[Effective February 14, 2023] Amendments to Electric Rules to Implement SB21-261, adopted in Proceeding No. 22R-0352E.

[Effective October 15, 2022] Amendments to Electric Low-Income Programs Rules, adopted in Proceeding No. 21R-0326EG.

[Effective January 14, 2022] Proposed Rules for Distribution System Planning, adopted in Proceeding No. 20R-0516E.

[Effective January 14, 2022] Rules for the Revision of Gas and Electric Disconnection, adopted in Proceeding No. 20R-0349EG.

[Effective July 30, 2021] Amendments to Electric Rules Relating to Interconnection, adopted in Proceeding No. 19R-0654E.

[Effective December 16, 2020] Temporary Rules Modifying Cost Recovery for Low-Income Programs, adopted in Proceeding No. 20R-0537EG.

[Effective November 14, 2020] Rules Regarding Proposed Changes to Rules Regulating Community Solar Gardens, adopted in Proceeding No. 19R-0608E.

[Effective July 15, 2020] Rules Implementing Electric Resource Planning for Wholesale Cooperatives, adopted in Proceeding No. 19R-0408E.

[Effective May 15, 2020] Rules Clarifying Participation in Low-Income Programs, adopted in Proceeding No. 19R-0653EG.

[Effective October 18, 2019] Temporary Rules for Participation in Low-Income Programs, adopted in Proceeding No. 19R-0564EG.

[Effective May 30, 2019] Amendment to Rule 723-3-3902(c), adopted in Proceeding No. 18R-0492E.

[Effective April 30, 2019] Updating Incorporations by Reference, adopted in Proceeding No. 18R-0784ALL.

[Effective December 15, 2017] Amendments to Electric Transmission Facilities Planning Rules adopted in Proceeding No. 17R-0489E.

[Effective January 30, 2017] Electric Low-Income Assistance Rules amended in Proceeding No. 16R-0607EG.

[Effective May 15, 2016] Electric & Renewable Energy Standard Rules amended in Proceeding No. 15R-0699E.

[Effective April 14, 2016] Best Value Employment Rules amended in Proceeding No. 15R-0325E.

[Effective September 30, 2015] Data Access and Privacy Rules amended in Proceeding No. 14R-0394EG.

[Effective June 14, 2014] Renewable Energy Standard Rules amended in Proceeding No. 13R-0901E.

[Effective February 14, 2014] Medical Exemption rules adopted in Proceeding No. 13R-0747E.

[Effective February 14, 2012] Smart Grid Data Privacy Rules adopted in Proceeding No. 10R-799E.

[Effective January 14, 2012] Solar Garden Rules adopted in Proceeding No. 10R-674E.

[Effective December 15, 2011] amendments to Electric, Low-Income Assistance Rules adopted in Proceeding No. 11R-110EG.

[Effective October 30, 2011] Amendments to Electric Resource Planning Rules adopted in Proceeding No. 11R-416E.

[Effective June 14, 2011] Amendments to Electric Transmission Facilities Planning Rules adopted in Proceeding No. 10R-526E.

[Effective December 30, 2010] Amendments to Electric Resource Planning Rules adopted in Proceeding No. 10R-214E and amendments to Renewable Energy Standard Rules adopted in Proceeding No. 10R-243E.

[Effective September 14, 2010] Permanent, construction, and extension of transmission facilities rules adopted in Proceeding No. 09R-904E.

[Effective September 14, 2010] Permanent fining rules adopted in Proceeding No. 09R-846E.

[Effective March 30, 2010] Permanent rules amended in Proceeding No. 08R-424E - newly amended Renewable Energy Standard rules.

[Effective September 23, 2009] Emergency Rule 723-3-3975. was adopted in Proceeding No.09R-682EG re: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. [Emergency rule expired April 21, 2010.]

[Effective September 1, 2009] Amendments to Rules 3652 through 3664, adopted in Proceeding No. 09R-618E re: Renewable Energy Standard. [Emergency rules expired March 30, 2010.]

[Effective March 5, 2009] Emergency Rule 4 CCR 723-3-3975 was adopted in Proceeding No. 09R-158EG re: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. [Emergency rule expired September 23, 2009.]

[Effective March 1, 2008] Rules adopted in Proceeding No. 07R-419E, making permanent the emergency amendments to rules 3600 through 3615 which were initially adopted in Proceeding No. 07R-368E re: Resource Planning.

[Effective September 30, 2007] Amendments to Rules 3650 through 3664 in Proceeding No. 07R-166E re: Renewable Energy Standard.

[Effective August 1, 2007] Rules amended in Proceeding No. 06R-492E.

[Effective July 2, 2006] Rules implementing Amendment 37 adopted in Proceeding No. 05R-112E re: Renewable Energy Standards, Rules 3650 through 3665.

[Effective April 1, 2006] Rules re-enacted in Proceeding Nos. 03R-519E and 04R-003EG but revised by rule amendments above.