Gas Rules

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723-4 Gas Utilities Rules (PDF)

Gas Utilities Rules (PDF in Google Drive)

Regulations Incorporated by Reference in PUC Rules

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CFR-2006-title18-vol1-part201 (PDF)

CFR-2006-title18-vol1-part225 (PDF)

CFR-2012-title49-vol3-subtitleB-chapI(esp192) (PDF)

Gas Rules Incorporated by Reference (PDFs in Google Drive)

Annotated Rules Index

[Effective November 5, 2024] Temporary Rules Amending Electric & Gas Rules per SB23-291, adopted in Proceeding No. 24R-0469EG.

[Effective September 30, 2024] Temporary Rules Amending Electric & Gas Rules per SB23-291, adopted in Proceeding No. 24R-0414EG.

[Effective May 15, 2024] Amendments to Gas and Electric Disconnection Rules, adopted in Proceeding No. 22R-0557EG.

[Effective March 6, 2024] Temporary Rules Regulating Electric & Gas Utilities, adopted in Proceeding No. 23R-0408EG.

[Effective August 14, 2023] Temporary Rules Regulating Electric & Gas Utilities, SB23-291, adopted in Proceeding No. 23R-0408EG.

[Effective May 15, 2023] Amendments to Gas Rules Implementing SB 21-264 and HB-1238, adopted in Proceeding No. 21R-0449G.

[Effective April 14, 2023] Changes to Requirements for Gas Cost Adjustment Applications, adopted in Proceeding No. 21R-0314G.

[Effective October 15, 2022] Amendments to Gas Low-Income Programs Rules, adopted in Proceeding No. 21R-0326EG.

[Effective January 14, 2022] Rules for the Revision of Gas and Electric Disconnection, adopted in Proceeding No. 20R-0349EG.

[Effective December 16, 2020] Temporary Rules Modifying Cost Recovery for Low-Income Programs, adopted in Proceeding No. 20R-0537EG.

[Effective May 15, 2020] Rules Clarifying Participation in Low-Income Programs, adopted in Proceeding No. 19R-0653EG.

[Effective October 18, 2019] Temporary Rules for Participation in Low-Income Programs, adopted in Proceeding No. 19R-0564EG.

[Effective April 30, 2019] Updating Incorporations by Reference, adopted in Proceeding No. 18R-0784ALL.

[Effective June 30, 2018] Gas Rules amended in Proceeding No. 17R-0569G.

[Effective January 30, 2017] Gas Low-Income Assistance Rules amended in Proceeding No. 16R-0607EG.

[Effective September 30, 2015] Data Access and Privacy Rules amended in Proceeding No. 14R-0394EG.

[Effective August 30, 2013] Amendments to Gas Pipeline Rules adopted in Proceeding No. 13R-0176GPS.

[Effective December 15, 2011] Amendments to Gas, Low-Income Assistance Rules adopted in Proceeding No. 11R-110EG.

[Effective November 30, 2011] Permanent Gas Pipeline Safety rules adopted in Proceeding No. 11R-364GPS.

[Effective September 14, 2010] Permanent fining rules adopted in Proceeding No. 09R-847G.

[Effective November 30, 2009] Permanent rules amended in Proceeding No. 09R-222G re: Gas Demand-Side Management.

[Effective September 23, 2009] Emergency Rule 723-4-4975 adopted in Proceeding No.09R-682EG re: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. [Emergency rule expired April 21, 2010.]

[Effective March 5, 2009] Emergency Rule 723-4-4975 adopted in Proceeding No. 09R-158EG re: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. [Rules expired September 23, 2009.]

[Effective November 30, 2008] Permanent rules amended in Proceeding No. 07R-226GPS.

[Effective May 30, 2008] Permanent rules amended in Proceeding No. 07R-371G.

[Effective August 1, 2007] Permanent rules amended in Proceeding No. 06R-494G.

[Effective April 1, 2006] Rules re-enacted in Proceeding Nos. 03R-520G and 04R-003EG but revised by rule amendments above.

[Effective April 1, 2006] Master Meter Operators Rules re-enacted in rule 4 CCR 723-4-4800 through 4805 in Proceeding No. 04R-170EG.

[Effective May 30, 2006] Insertion of Low-Income Energy Assistance Act Rule 4411 adopted in Proceeding No. 05R-457G.