In 2021, the Colorado Legislature passed many bills that impact the work of the Public Utilities Commission and the utilities that we regulate. The PUC will conduct investigations, rulemakings, adjudicatory proceedings and other actions to implement the requirements of the various bills. From this page you can track the progress of PUC implementation of those and other 2021 legislative changes.
Please note the following:
HB = House Bill
SB = Senate Bill
Bill Description: Concerning Utility Customers’ Financial Contributions for Low-Income Utility Assistance.
Bill Description: Concerning Transparency of Penal Communications Service Providers in Correctional Facilities.
Bill Description: Concerning the Protection of Critical Services through the Creation of Sustainable Medicaid Transportation Safety Requirements.
Bill Description: Concerning the Modernization of Gas Energy Efficiency Programs.
Bill Description: Concerning Efforts to Redress the Effects of Environmental Injustice on Disproportionately Impacted Communities.
Bill Description: Concerning an Investigation by the Public Utilities Commission to Evaluate the Parameters of an Energy Policy Allowing Communities in Colorado that are Served by an Investor-Owned Electric Utility to Choose Alternative Wholesale Electricity Suppliers.
Bill Description: Concerning Measures to Address Consumer Protection Concerns regarding Vehicle Towing.
Bill Description: Concerning Gas Pipeline Safety (GPS), and, Increasing and Clarifying the Rulemaking and Enforcement Authority of the Public Utilities Commission.
Bill Description: Concerning the Implementation of 9-8-8 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network in Colorado.
Bill Description: Concerning Measures to Encourage Beneficial Electrification, and, Directing the Public Utilities Commission and Colorado Utilties to Promote Compliance with Current Environmental and Labor Standards.
Bill Description: Concerning the Sustainability of the Transportation System in Colorado and Creating New Sources of Dedicated Funding and New State Enterprises.
Bill Description: Concerning Measures to Increase the Deployment of Renewable Energy Generation Facilities to Meet Colorado’s Energy Needs, and, Raising the Allowable Capacity of Customer-Sited Renewable Energy Generation Facilities, Giving Customers Additional Options for Increasing the Scale and Flexibility of New Installations.
Bill Description: Concerning the Adoption of Programs by Gas Utilities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Bill Description: Concerning the Operations of the Public Utilities Commission, and, Modernizing the Commission’s Statutory Directives Regarding Distributed Generation of Electricity; Requiring Additional Disclosure from Intervenors in Adversarial Proceedings; and Providing the Commissioners with Access to Independent Subject-Matter Experts.
Information specific to SB21-272 and the Commission activities, including Proceeding 22M-0171ALL, can be viewed by visiting the PUC Equity Initiatives page.