Webcasts of PUC Proceedings

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) broadcasts hearings and some meetings live. There is a short delay between the real time and the broadcast.

Captions streamed to the webcast are provided using Zoom's automatic speech recognition technology and are not intended for equal access to individuals with hearing loss. CART (Communication Access Real Time) captioning can be provided through a pre scheduled request using the Commissions' Language Access Form.

Go to the PUC Calendar for the schedule and location of hearings.

The link below will direct you to the PUC YouTube channel. Live events will appear prominently at the top of the channel homepage as they occur. 


ATTENTION: As of July 27, 2023, the Colorado Public Utilities Commission webcasts have been transitioned to our YouTube Channel. The link below will direct you to the channel where you will find live, upcoming, and YouTube recorded webcasts.

Archived recordings pre-YouTube will continue to be available on this page and all future YouTube broadcast recordings will be available on our YouTube Channel.



Previously recorded webcast files (PLEASE NOTE: You may need to download the file if it will not play in your browser. Refresh your browser if you experience difficulties.) NOTICE: Recording may need to be forwarded 30 minutes to start of meeting due to remote recording

Webcast Recordings List - Please find a searchable list of the previous 12 months of pre-YouTube recordings below. (Not compatible with Internet Explorer 11 and older. Best viewed in Google Chrome.) Note: This list is no longer being updated with the move to YouTube.


Recording List Not Loading Below? Click Here



Looking for Information about Commissioners' Meetings? Use the links below:

Commissioner Information Meetings   Commissioner Weekly Meetings