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Railway Rules documents in Google Drive
- Regulations Incorporated by Reference in PUC Rules
Links to documents if iframe does not appear above:
CFR-2005-title49-vol1-part15.pdf- Annotated Rules Index
[Effective December 23, 2024] Temporary Rules Implementing the Wayside Detector Systems and Reporting Rules, adopted in Proceeding No. 24R-0558R.
[Effective November 27, 2024] Temporary Rules Implementing the Wayside Detector Systems and Reporting Rules, adopted in Proceeding No. 24R-0511R.
[Effective October 30, 2024] Proposed Amendment to Rail Fixed Guideway, adopted in Proceeding No. 24R-0245R.
[Effective May 31, 2024] Temporary Rules Implementing State Safety Oversight Program Standard for Rail Fixed Guideway Public Transportation Systems, 4 CCR 723-7-7343 and 7351, adopted in Proceeding No. 24R-0253R.
[Effective April 30, 2024] Amendments Implementing SB 19-236 Regarding the Commission's Fining Authority, adopted in Proceeding No. 21R-0538R.
[Effective June 30, 2022] Amendments to State Safety Oversight Rules 4 C.C.R. 7340 - 7352, adopted in Proceeding No. 22R-0070R.
[Effective April 30, 2019] Updating Incorporations by Reference, adopted in Proceeding No. 18R-0784ALL.
[Effective August 14, 2018] Permanent rules amended in Proceeding No. 18R-0110R.
[Effective February 15, 2018] Permanent rules amended in Proceeding No. 18R-0102R.
[Effective August 14, 2017] Permanent rules amended in Proceeding No. 16R-0952R.
[Effective September 7, 2016] Temporary rule amendments adopted in Proceeding No. 16R-0674R.
[Temporary rule amendments expired April 5, 2017.][Effective December 30, 2008] Permanent rules amended in Proceeding No. 08R-297R.
[Effective August 1, 2007] Permanent rules amended in Proceeding No. 06R-506R.
[Effective March 4, 2007] Permanent rules amended in Proceeding No. 06R-189R.
[Effective April 1, 2006] All rail rules re-enacted in Proceeding No. 04R-285R but revised by rule amendments above.