Time of Use Rates Proceedings

Time of Use Rates

Time of Use (TOU) rates are designed to give electric utility customers options to save money by lowering electricity bills by adjusting their use patterns to use more electricity (e.g. by running high-energy use appliances) when the rate is reduced and less during on-peak hours. On-peak periods are set when demand is highest and  costs are greater to generate and deliver energy. When demand is low, the cost of electricity is generally lower because there is less stress on the electricity grid and cheaper energy sources are available. For example, wind generated electricity is typically more available overnight and it is less expensive to produce and distribute at that off-peak time.

Current Open Proceedings

Public Service Company of Colorado (Xcel Energy)

Most Xcel Energy residential electric customers are currently billed on TOU rates with higher rates during “on-peak” periods and lower rates during “off-peak” periods. On Sept. 3, 2024, Xcel Energy filed for approval of new TOU rates in Proceeding No. 24AL-0377E.


 Xcel Energy’s proposal for its new TOU periods and rates
Xcel Energy proposes to eliminate the current Mid-Peak period and vary the On-Peak and Off-Peak periods by season. Those periods are as follows:

Summer (June through September):
On-Peak: 4PM to 9PM on non-holiday weekdays
Off-Peak: all other hours

On-Peak: 5PM to 9PM on non-holiday weekdays
Off-Peak: All other hours