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723-6 Transportation Rules (PDF)
- Regulations Incorporated by Reference in PUC Rules
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CFR-2010-title49-vol5-subtitleB-chapIII-subchapB-appG.pdf (PDF)
CFR-2010-title49-vol5-part399.pdf (PDF)
CFR-2010-title49-vol5-part396.pdf (PDF)
CFR-2010-title49-vol5-part395.pdf (PDF)
CFR-2010-title49-vol5-part393.pdf (PDF)
CFR-2010-title49-vol5-part392.pdf (PDF)
CFR-2010-title49-vol5-part391.pdf (PDF)
CFR-2010-title49-vol5-part390.pdf (PDF)
CFR-2010-title49-vol5-part383.pdf (PDF)
CFR-2010-title49-vol5-part382.pdf (PDF)
CFR-2010-title49-vol1-part40.pdf (PDF)- Annotated Rules Index
[Effective November 30, 2024] Transportation Network Company Rules Implemented per SB 23-187, adopted in Proceeding No. 24R-0165TR.
[Effective April 30, 2024] Amendments to Rules Regulating Towing Carriers, per HB22-1314, Proceeding No. 23R-0085TO.
[Effective May 30, 2023] Increased Maximum Rates for Taxicab Service Within the Zones Established in Rule 6255, Proceeding No. 22R-0462TR.
[Effective April 30, 2023] Amendments to Transportation Network Company Rules, Proceeding No. 22R-0402TR.
[Effective September 19, 2022] Temporary Rules Amending TNC Rules to Implement SB 22-144, Proceeding No. 22R-0359TR, Decision on RRR C22-0552.
[Effective September 1, 2022] Temporary Rules Amending TNC Rules to Implement SB 22-144, Proceeding No. 22R-0359TR.
[Effective April 30, 2022] Amendments to Rule 6511 of the Towing Rules, Proceeding No. 21R-0581TO.
[Effective March 2, 2022] Amendments to Age of Motor Vehicle Rules, Proceeding No. 21R-0359TR.
[Effective March 2, 2022] Rules Implementing SB 20-118, HB 21-1206, and SB 21-260, Proceeding No. 21R-0467TR.
[Effective October 30, 2021] Proposed Amendments to Rule 6511 Regulating Towing, Proceeding No. 21R-0180TO.
[Effective February 14, 2021] Rules Regulating Towing, Proceeding No. 19R-0709TO.
[Effective October 15, 2020] Rules Regulating Vehicle Booting Companies, Proceeding No. 19R-0485TR.
[Effective April 2, 2020] Temporary Towing Rules, Proceeding No. 20R-0146TO.
[Effective January 1, 2020] Temporary Rules Regulating Vehicle Booting, Proceeding No. 19R-0743TR.
[Effective August 14, 2019] Amended Rules Regulating Large Market Taxicab Service, Proceeding No. 18R-0915TR.
[Effective May 15, 2019] Amended Rules Regulating Transportation by Motor Vehicle, Proceeding No. 17R-0796TR .
[Effective October 29, 2018] New temporary, Large Market Taxicab Services rules adopted in Proceeding No. 18R-0749TR. [Temporary rules expire May 28, 2019.]
[Effective July 15, 2017] Permanent Amended Towing rules adopted in Proceeding No. 16R-0095TO.
[Effective January 30, 2016] Permanent Transportation Network Company rules adopted in Proceeding No. 15R-0250TR.
[Effective November 14, 2015] Permanent, Taxi Flat Rate Zone A rule 6257(d)(I) amended in Proceeding No. 15R-0454TR.
[Effective February 4, 2015] Reissued temporary, Transportation Network Company rules adopted in Proceeding No. 15R-0062TR. [Temporary rules expired September 2, 2015.]
[Effective November 14, 2014] Permanent rules regarding Financial Responsibility of Passenger Carriers adopted in Proceeding No. 14R-0641TR.
[Effective July 8, 2014] New temporary, Transportation Network Company rules adopted in Proceeding No. 14R-0737TR. [Temporary rules expired February 3, 2015.]
[Effective May 1, 2014] Emergency rules regarding Financial Responsibility of Passenger Carriers adopted in Proceeding No. 14R-0391TR. [Emergency rules expired November 14, 2014.]
[Effective February 14, 2014] Transportation rules reissued in their entirety with amendments, adopted in Proceeding No. 13R-0009TR.
[Effective August 1, 2012] Transportation rules reissued in their entirety with amendments, adopted in Proceeding No. 11R-792TR.
[Effective March 7, 2012] Transportation rules reissued in their entirety with emergency amendments, adopted in Proceeding No. 12R-178TR. [Emergency rules expired October 3, 2012.]
[Effective August 10, 2011 thru March 6, 2012] Transportation rules reissued in their entirety with emergency amendments, adopted in Proceeding No. 11R-638TR.
[Effective October 15, 2010] Transportation rules reissued in their entirety with amendments, adopted in Proceeding No. 10R-036TR.
[Effective July 30, 2009] Permanent rules amended in Proceeding No. 08R-478TR.
[Effective February 25, 2009] Emergency fingerprint rules amended in Proceeding No. 09R-137TR. [Replaced by permanent rules effective July 30, 2009.]
[Effective July 30, 2008] Permanent rules amended in part in Proceeding No. 07R-327TR but conflicting provisions superseded by emergency rules adopted in Proceeding Nos. 08R-271TR and 08R-251CP. [Replaced by permanent rules effective July 30, 2009.]
[Effective June 30, 2008] Rules enacted regarding Unified Carrier Registration adopted in Proceeding No. 08R-027TR. [Replaced by permanent rules effective July 30, 2009.]
[Effective August 1, 2007] Permanent rules amended in Proceeding No. 06R-504TR, but revised by rule amendments above. [Replaced by permanent rules effective July 30, 2009.]
[Effective April 1, 2006] All transportation rules re-enacted in Proceeding No. 03R-554TR but revised by rule amendments above. [Replaced by permanent rules effective August 1, 2007].