Forms for Complying with High Cost Support Rules

Reporting Requirements for Colorado High Cost Fund Worksheet Form

Who must file?

DUE September 1, 2024

Please file all forms electronically with the Commission's High-Cost vendor; Rolka Loube at https://rolkaloube.com/programs/co-telecom-funds/chcsm-and-broadband

The Commission will open a miscellaneous docket to be used by providers who need to request an extension of time to file the required CHCSM reports. Please file extension of time requests electronically with the Commission's E-Filings system in Proceeding 24M-0311T.

CHCSM Administrator Colorado
Public Utilities Commission
1560 Broadway, Suite 250
Denver, CO 80202-5143

Any additional information can be found on the Custodial Administrator page located at:

CHCSM & Broadband — Rolka Loube

HCSM Staff Contacts: 

gladys.rey@state.co.us or 303.894.2526

meghan.ruwet@state.co.us or 303-894-2828.