Key Proceedings


Key Proceedings

The sections below include information about open proceedings that may be of particular interest to the public. This does not include every open proceeding and other open proceedings can be found by searching E-Filings. You can find more information about how to participate in these proceedings here. This information is provided for educational purposes only.

Proceeding No. 22M-0171 ALL

Implementation of Senate Bill 21-272

Senate Bill 21-272 requires the Commission, among other things, to promulgate rules in which it considers how best to provide equity in all of its work. This proceeding is a “pre- rulemaking” and will not result directly in any new rules. Among other objectives, set forth in the Commission’s decision opening this proceeding (Decision No. C22-0239), the Commission intends to gather information to understand how to define equity and disproportionately impacted communities, understand how it can better engage participants in its proceedings, and assess what kinds of rules or other actions (including revising its policies and procedures) may be necessary to implement these provisions of state law.

The Commission has designated Commissioner Megan Gilman as the Hearing Commissioner to conduct this proceeding. The Hearing Commissioner will issue a recommended decision, which will then be subject to review by the full Commission. Additional information regarding the Commission’s ongoing equity efforts is available on the PUC website at: puc.colorado.gov/equity

Opportunities to Participate

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or, by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.

Opportunities for the public to comment are ongoing and are announced through the Commission’s public calendar and at puc.colorado.gov/equity. To sign up for email updates, please contact PUC_SB272equity@state.co.us.

Xcel Wildfire Mitigation Plan

On June 27th, Xcel Energy filed a significant update to its Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP) for PUC approval. The updated WMP addresses Xcel Energy’s full suite of mitigation activities and investments, such as: targeted equipment inspections, repairs, and replacements; expanded vegetation management; system protection enhancements; weather and wind modeling; and community and stakeholder outreach. The updated plan covers proposed spending for the 2025-2027 period totaling approximately $1.9 billion.

As described by Xcel Energy, its updated WMP features:

  • Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) Program for when portions of the transmission and distribution systems are de-energized to avoid risk of wildfire ignitions.  Xcel Energy proposes to  assist its income-qualified, medical exemption rate, and medical certification program customers through the offering of new rebates for back-up energy support.
  • Enhanced Powerline Safety Settings (EPSS) Program using sectionalized protective devices to operate the system more conservatively when wildfire conditions increase. The EPSS program is being expanded to include additional risk-based feeders, installation of new sectionalizing protective equipment, and deployment of new technology.
  • Expanded Situational Awareness with expanded expertise and new weather stations in higher risk locations and the deployment of AI cameras.
  • Expanded and Refined Wildfire Vegetation Management with the goals of reducing the frequency and potential of vegetation-caused outages and ignitions and  reducing the consequence of severe weather events.
  • Infrastructure Inspections using drone technology for defect and maintenance inspections, a comprehensive asset registry in high-fire threat areas, and three-dimensional maps of the equipment, the surrounding terrain, and nearby vegetation.
  • Expanded Stakeholder Engagement including outreach and communication efforts to customers, OEMs, public safety partners, governmental and non-governmental institutions, and community organizations.
  • Xcel Energy’s complete filing and all other related documents are publicly available through the PUC’s website (E-Filings) in Proceeding No. 24A-0296.  In addition, several key portions of the plan are available here:

Updated WMP (link to attachment AZS-1)
Proposed 2025-2027 WMP Budget (link to attachment AZS-3)

This is a large and complex filing that will be before the PUC for the next several months as we examine each request for approval and hear from stakeholders.  Specific dates and opportunities for public comment will be determined as the full procedural schedule is set.  Written comments may be submitted anytime through the PUC’s website.


An Electric Resource Plan (ERP) is the process by which the electric utility selects the mix of electricity generating resources that it will acquire to serve its customers. The following outline ERP activities underway at the PUC.

Proceeding No. 21A-0141E

The Commission has completed its review of the second phase (Phase II) of the Public Service’s ERP, which includes a Clean Energy Plan (CEP). Through its related CEP, the utility must show it can achieve at least an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions  by 2030. 

In Phase I, the Commission approved, with modifications, Public Service’s plan to acquire new generating resources through a competitive acquisition process. In Phase II, Public Service solicited and reviewed bids for the needed resources and developed proposed portfolios that are designed to meet its resource needs. On January 23, 2024, the  Commission issued its Phase II decision. In the Phase II decision, the Commission found that modifications to Public Service’s CEP were necessary to ensure that the approved CEP is in the public interest. Among other modifications, the Commission authorized the Company to move forward with an alternative portfolio of resources. The Commission determined that this alternative portfolio of resources exceeds state emission reduction goals, but also will likely reduce costs to customers—especially costs associated with curtailments and potential future costs associated with Company-owned gas resources. In addition, the Commission found that the alternative portfolio was just as reliable as the 

Company’s more costly preferred portfolio creates added opportunities to further investigate how to optimize transmission upgrades and take advantage of developing technologies, particularly when compared to the Company’s preferred portfolio. Applications for reconsideration, reargument, or rehearing regarding the Commission’s Phase II decision were filed on February 12, 2024. The commissioners will discuss at their weekly meeting in March. 

Individuals who wish to review Public Service’s ERP/CEP, its 120-Day Report describing its bid evaluation, the Commission’s decisions and other materials that have been filed in this proceeding can access these records through the PUC’s E-Filings system here.

Public Service Company of Colorado (Xcel) ERP Timeline Proceeding No. 21A-0141E


Proceeding No. 22A-0230E

On March 22, 2023, the Commission approved, with modification, the settlement agreement regarding Black Hills’ 2022 Electric Resource Plan (ERP) and Clean Energy Plan (CEP). The Phase I decision directed Black Hills to issue requests for proposals for an all-source competitive bidding process to meet its resource need. Black Hills has reported to the Commission that it received approximately 115 potential bids, the largest number of bids it has ever received in response to any solicitation. Black Hills will next notify bidders whether their bids were advanced to computer-based modeling. Given the robust response to the competitive solicitation, the Commission has granted Black Hills’ request to extend the deadline to file its 120-Day Report to April 17, 2024.

A Commission decision in this matter is anticipated by the end of July 2024.

Opportunities to Participate

No further hearings are scheduled at this time.

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or, by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.


Proceeding No. 23A-0585E

Tri-State filed its ERP with the Public Utilities Commission on December 1, 2023. The focus of Phase I of the ERP is to assess generation needs and determine resource plans to meet those needs. In its application, it states that Phase I of the ERP identifies through modeling the generation quantities (MW), resource types (technologies), and timing of resource needs for meeting load requirements. 

Tri-State requests approval of what it characterizes as its Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Scenario—this portfolio is Tri-State’s preferred plan and prioritizes use of funding available from the federal government through the IRA passed in 2022. The IRA Scenario retires 1,207 MW of coal-fired generation during the Resource Acquisition Period of 2026 through 2031. Under the IRA Scenario, if USDA funding is received as requested and if contractual commitments are adequately addressed, Tri-State intends to announce a retirement date of 2031 for the coal fired Springerville Station Unit 3. Additionally, the IRA Scenario further accelerates the retirement date for coal-fired Craig 3 by two years, to 2028. 

The IRA Scenario also adds 1,250 MW of renewables and storage capacity between 2024 and 2031. Lastly, the IRA Scenario proposes a 290 MW dispatchable, natural gas combined-cycle plant to go online in 2028, with conversion to carbon capture and storage capability in 2031. 

On June 27th, Tri-State, several electric cooperative members and trade associations, several local governments and governmental agencies, including Trial Staff of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, The Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate, The Colorado Energy Office, Moffat County and the City of Craig, Colorado, the Office of Just Transition, and several environmental groups jointly filed an Unopposed Comprehensive Settlement Agreement. 

The Settling Parties agree Tri-State’s ERP Phase I application should be approved subject to the modifications made in the Settlement Agreement. The Settling Parties agree the Commission should approve Tri-States Preferred Portfolio, which is the IRA Portfolio, with certain modifications as set forth in the Settlement Agreement. The Settling Parties also agree that the Commission should approve a Craig 3 retirement date of January 1, 2028. The Settling Parties agree that the Commission should approve a Springerville 3 retirement date of September 15, 2031 subject to New federal Empowering Rural America funding award as requested from USDA and successful Tri-State negotiation of contractual agreements impacted by the unit’s retirement. 

Regarding Community Assistance, the Settlement Agreement Tri-State agrees to provide a direct benefit of community assistance of $5.5M per year to be paid in years 2026 through 2029 into an economic development fund established and administered by Moffat County and the City of Craig, to reflect impact of the earlier closure of Craig 3. Tri-State will, in Phase II of its ERP, solicit bids for a gas plant within Moffat County. 

The Commission held two public hearings on this proceeding in July 2024 (July 9th in Craig and July 11 via Zoom). A Commission Administrative Law Judge will issue a final recommendation on this matter later this summer. 

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.


Proceeding No. 23AL-0243E

The Commission is considering proposed rate changes for Public Service. This is a Phase II rate case, so the Commission is considering how to allocate the general rate schedule adjustment previously approved in Phase I.

The revised base rates are based on a new Class Cost of Service Study (CCOSS). The CCOSS determines what it costs Public Service to provide service to its customers collectively and by individual rate classes. CCOSS looks at production, transmission, and distribution costs, among others. Then, classifies them as energy- related, demand-related or customer-related costs. Those costs are then allocated among the various customer classes. The CCOSS reallocated among Public Service’s major customer classes the total annual revenue requirement of $2,464,335,525.

The Commission concluded its evidentiary hearing on this matter on Dec. 15, 2023. The parties filed closing statements of position in January 2024, and it was discussed at the Feb. 7 Commissioners’ Weekly Meeting for deliberation and issuance of a final written decision. A final decision (C24-0117) was rendered on Feb. 23, 2024 which suspends the tariff sheets filed by Public Service Company of Colorado (Public Service) on May 15, 2023, with Advice Letter No. 1923-Electric and shall not be further amended. PSCO will file an advice letter modifying the tariff sheets in its Colorado P.U.C. No. 8 - Electric Tariff consistent with the findings, conclusions, and directives in this Decision


Proceeding No. 24AL-0275E

On June 14, 2024, Black Hills Colorado Electric (Black Hills) filed Advice Letter No. 871 to commence it’s electric rate case (Proceeding No. 24AL-0275E). In this filing, Black Hills proposes an annual revenue increase of some $37 million above its current base rate revenue of $180 million. The Company calculates its required revenue requirement increase based on a current test year ending 31 December 2024, using a 13-month average rate base valuation. It proposes a Weighted Average Cost of Capital of 7.72%, based on 52.75% equity at an Return On Equity of 10.5% and a cost of long-term debt of 4.61%. The Company’s operating expenses are $168 million.

The Company requests approval to roll into base rates the Transmission Cost Adjustment, PCCA, and Clean Air Clean Jobs Act investments currently being recovered through surcharges. Several new deferred accounting tracking mechanisms are requested for property taxes, insurance expense, rate case expense, PUC Administration fees and greenhouse gas fees, vegetation management, and the Customer Communication and Education Plan.

Black Hills’ class cost of service study (“CCOSS”) indicates a significant load shift from the Commercial rate class to the Residential rate class, resulting in a 26% increase to Residential rates. In order to mitigate this, the Company proposes a uniform 20.46% increase across all rate classes, relieving the Residential class of some $5 million in cost responsibility. 



Current Residential Customer BillProposed Average Monthly Bill
Customer Charge (per month)Tiered Rate Energy Charge($/kWh)Average Monthly BillCustomer Charge (per month)Flat Rate Energy Charge ($/kWh)Average Monthly BillMonthly Change% Change
$8.77Energy 1st 500 kWh$0.11904$109.67$9.16$0.14805$129.81$20.2318%
 Energy Excess kWh$0.0468      



Current Small General Service BillProposed Small General Service Bill
Customer Charge (per month)Flat Rate Energy Charge ($/kWh)Average Monthly BillCustomer Charge (per month)Flat Rate Energy Charge ($/kWh)Average Monthly BillMonthly Change% Change

On August 7, 2024, the Commission set the matter for hearing.  

The Commission will announce hearing dates in the near future.

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.
Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.


Proceeding No. 24AL-0049G

Public Service Company of Colorado submitted an application for a Phase I (revenue requirement)  Gas Rate Case on Jan. 29, 2024. Public Service is seeking a total increase in base rate revenue of $170,655,825 (21.5 percent increase)  when compared to its present base rate revenue of $793,561,237, for a total base rate revenue requirement of $964,217,062, effective Feb. 29, 2024.

Discussed at Feb. 28, 2024 Commissioners Weekly Meeting, which can be seen via YouTube

Opportunities to Participate

The Public Comment Hearing recording can be seen via YouTube here.

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.

Proceeding No. 23AL-0231G

The Commission is considering proposed rate changes for Black Hills. The Commission suspended the utility’s proposed tariff changes and referred the matter to an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) to conduct the hearing and issue a  recommended decision. The ALJ is considering a settlement filed in the proceeding by the parties and will issue a recommended decision in March 2024, which will be reviewed by the Commission.

Opportunities to Participate

No further public comment hearings have been scheduled in this matter. Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.


Proceeding No. 23A-0392EG

Public Service Company of Colorado's Clean Heat Plan (Gas) Proceeding No. 23A-039EG

In 2021, the Colorado legislature passed Senate Bill 21-264, which established “clean heat” emission reduction targets of 4 percent for 2025 and 22 percent for  2030 relative to 2015 “baseline” values for Colorado’s gas distribution utilities. The Commission then adopted administrative rules implementing Senate Bill 21-264 in Proceeding No. 21R-0449G. Consistent with the Commission’s Decision No. C22- 0760 In that proceeding, gas utilities operating in Colorado are required to present, at least, one clean heat portfolio that meets the emission reduction targets and one portfolio that implements the maximum amount of established clean heat resources within a 2.5 percent retail cost impact cap.

Public Service’s CHP sets forth a preferred portfolio that is designed to achieve emission reductions of 1.4 million metric tons through implementing electrification technologies, demand-side management, recovered methane, and hydrogen, and is expected to cost approximately $150 million per year.

The Commission will convene an evidentiary hearing March 11-15 and 18-19, 2024. A final decision granting, denying, or modifying Public Service’s application is expected in early summer.

Opportunities to Participate

Written public comments may be submitted at any time while the proceeding is open but are encouraged before May 1, 2024. Comments can be submitted through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.

Proceeding No. 23A-0633G

On Dec. 29, 2023, Black Hills Colorado Gas filed its application for its 2024-2028 Clean Heat Plan. The deadline for filing as an intervenor was Jan. 29, 2024. The proceeding was on the Commission’s agenda for Feb. 7, but has been tabled to an upcoming Commissioner’s Weekly Meeting. Please check the public calendar for updates.

Proceeding No. 23A-0632G

On Dec. 29, 2023, Atmos Energy filed its application for its 2024-2028 Clean Heat Plan. The deadline for filing as an intervenor was Jan. 29, 2024. The proceeding was on the Commission’s agenda for Feb. 7, but has been tabled to an upcoming Commissioner’s Weekly Meeting. Please check the public calendar for updates.


Proceeding No. 23A-0242E

In 2019, Colorado enacted Senate Bill (SB) 19-077, establishing new requirements for electric public utilities to file with the Commission TEP applications “to support widespread transportation electrification, through investments, incentives, programs, and outreach.”

Public Service Company of Colorado filed its TEP on May 15, 2023. A public comment hearing was held on Jan. 10, 2024. The Commission began deliberating on the TEP during its Feb. 28, 2024, Commissioners Weekly Meeting. 

Opportunities to Participate

No further public comment hearings have been scheduled in this matter. Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.


Proceeding No. 23A-0244E

Black Hills Colorado Electric filed its TEP on May 15, 2023. Known as the Ready EV Plan for 2024-2026. A public comment hearing was held on Sept. 19. 2023. The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) issued a written decision on Dec. 20, 2023, in which several parties have filed exceptions. The Commission issued a decision addressing those exceptions on February 26, 2024.

Opportunities to Participate

No further public comment hearings have been scheduled in this matter. Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.


A gas infrastructure plan is a detailed proposal by utility companies outlining the need for upgrades to their gas systems, including potential alternatives to system upgrades. This plan includes costs and timelines and must be reviewed and approved by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission to ensure it meets safety, reliability, resiliency, and emissions standards and protects income-qualified utility customers and disproportionately impacted communities.

Gas infrastructure planning is a new process for the Commission, utilities, and stakeholders. The Commission recently adopted new rules setting forth requirements for gas utilities’ infrastructure planning. The initial plans submitted by regulated gas utilities are being reviewed in miscellaneous proceedings that are not fully adjudicatory. The purpose of this review is to provide opportunity for the refinement of future adjudicated filings.

Proceeding No. 23M-0234G

The Commission is reviewing Public Service’s initial 2023-2028 Gas Infrastructure Plan. 

The Commission has received comments from interested stakeholders and held a public comment hearing. On Feb. 23, 2024, the Commission issued a written decision (C24-0092), offering detailed guidance to the Public Service of Colorado as it further develops its 2025 Gas Infrastructure Plan. View the May 18, 2023 filing application here.

Opportunities to Participate

No further public comment hearings have been scheduled in this proceeding. Commissioner Gilman is investigating improvements to PSCo’s GIP process in Proceeding No. 24M-0261G, and additional comment opportunities will be made available in that proceeding.

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.


Proceeding Number 24M-0062G

The Commission is reviewing Black Hill’s initial 2024-2026 Gas Infrastructure Plan. Black HIlls filed its application on March 1, 2024. Black Hills’ initial GIP covers the period 2024-2029.  The GIP is intended to increase the transparency of the Company’s processes and practices in deploying capital investments across its service territory. Black Hills' GIP contains the company’s larger capital investments, potential alternatives to some capital investments, and it intends for its investment plan to ensure system safety, reliability, and resiliency, and protects income-qualified customers and disproportionately impacted communities. The GIP includes four projects in the 2024-2026 action period totaling $22.4 million. These include three capacity expansion projects and one mandatory relocation project. The GIP also contains one project in a 2027-2029 informational period.

Opportunities to Participate:

  • Written Public Comments: Interested stakeholders are welcome to submit public comments by September 3, 2024 and response comments are due October 1, 2024. Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Please indicate the relevant proceeding number in all comments.
  • Public Comment Hearing: The Commission will hold a public comment hearing on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 from 11:30am-1:30pm and from 4:00pm - 6:00pm. Register here for the 11:30am-1:30pm and here for the 4:00pm - 6:00pm session. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you would like to observe and not participate, you can watch the livestream on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/@COPublicUtilitiesCommission/streams 
  • Technical Workshop: Staff will hold a technical workshop with representatives of Black Hills on September 17, 2024 from 8:00am-5:00pm. The workshop is invite only, but staff will use public comments to inform questions for Black Hills. The workshop can be streamed via the Commission’s YouTube channel.


Proceeding Number 24M-0061

The Commission is reviewing Atmos’s initial 2024-2026 Gas Infrastructure Plan. Atmos filed its application on March 1, 2024. Atmos's initial GIP covers an action period from January 1, 2024, through December 1, 2026 and an informational plan extending through 2029. The GIP details Atmos’s larger planned capital projects in its service territory in Colorado. Atmos projects approximately $68 million in capital investment for Planned Projects through 2029.  Five projects totaling an estimated $29.6 million are identified for the action period, and five projects totaling an estimated $38.6 million are identified for the informational period. 

Opportunities to Participate:

  • Written Public Comments: Interested stakeholders are welcome to submit public comments by August 13, 2024 and response comments are due September 10, 2024. Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Please indicate the relevant proceeding number in all comments.
  • Public Comment Hearing: The Commission will hold a public comment hearing on Thursday, September 19, 2024 from 11:30am-1:30pm and from 4:00pm - 6:00pm. Register here for the 11:30am-1:30pm and here for the 4:00pm - 6:00pm session. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you would like to observe and not participate, you can watch the livestream on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/@COPublicUtilitiesCommission/streams 
  • Technical Workshop: Staff will hold a technical workshop with representatives of Atmos on August 27, 2024 from 8:00am-5:00pm. The workshop is invite only, but staff will use public comments to inform questions for Atmos. The workshop can be streamed via the Commission’s YouTube channel.

Colorado Natural Gas Infrastructure Plan

Proceeding Number 24M-0060G

The Commission is reviewing CNG’s initial 2024-2026 Gas Infrastructure Plan. CNG filed its application on March 1, 2024. CNG's initial GIP is an informational plan for 2024-2029.   The GIP details planned projects, their scope, purpose, budget, and other information related to the gas distribution systems in Colorado. The GIP includes three planned projects: (1) the Eastern Steel High-Pressure Line Replacement (Eastern Steel), (2) the GCC Concrete Plant-Pueblo (GCC project), and (3) the Port Colorado Trunk Line and Infill project (Port Colorado project).

Opportunities to Participate:

  • Written Public Comments: Interested stakeholders are welcome to submit public comments by July 23, 2024 and response comments are due August 20, 2024. Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Please indicate the relevant proceeding number in all comments.
  • Public Comment Hearing: The Commission will hold a public comment hearing on Monday, August 12, 2024 from 1:00pm-4:00pm. Register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you would like to observe and not participate, you can watch the livestream on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/@COPublicUtilitiesCommission/streams 
  • Technical Workshop: Staff will hold a technical workshop with representatives of CNG on August 6, 2024 from 8:00am-5:00pm. The workshop is invite only, but staff will use public comments to inform questions for CNG. The workshop can be streamed via the Commission’s YouTube channel.


Proceeding No. 22A-0563E

Public Service Company of Colorado’s Application for Conversion of the Pawnee Generation Station from Coal Operations to Natural Gas Operations

The Commission is considering Public Service’s application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to convert the Pawnee Generation Station from coal operations to natural gas operations. In its application, Public Service states that the conversion of Pawnee to operate on natural gas instead of coal by the end of 2025 will enable emissions reductions consistent with Public Service’s target to reduce its carbon emissions by over 80 percent by 2030. The Commission has referred this matter to an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) to  Conduct the hearing and issue a recommended decision. The ALJ is currently reviewing a settlement agreement filed by the parties in the  proceeding.

The ALJ will issue a recommended decision, which will be reviewed by the  Commission.


Wholesale Electricity Markets
Proceeding No. 22R-0249E

Commission Rulemaking to Implement Senate Bill 21-072 and Set Forth Provisions Governing Participation in Wholesale Electricity Markets

The Commission is considering amendments to its Rules Regulating Electric Utilities (4 CCR 723-3) to implement sections of Senate Bill 21-072 and set forth provisions governing Colorado utilities’ participation in wholesale electricity markets. The central purpose of the rulemaking is to specify filing requirements for utilities seeking approval to join wholesale electricity markets and reporting requirements regarding utilities’ plans, commitments, and actual participation in these markets. The Commission has designated Chairman Eric Blank as the Hearing Commissioner to conduct this rulemaking. The Hearing Commissioner will issue a recommended decision, which will then be considered by the full Commission. Any adopted rules will take effect 20 days after publication in the Colorado Register.

Opportunities to Participate

The Hearing Commissioner has convened several public comment hearings in this matter. No further hearings are scheduled at this time. Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.

Proceeding No. 22R-0557EG

Commission Rulemaking to Implement House Bill 22-1018 and Adopt Standard Practices for Utilities When Disconnecting Services Due to Nonpayment

The Commission is considering amendments to its Rules Regulating Electric Utilities (4 CCR 723-3) and Rules Regulating Gas Utilities (4 CCR 723-4) in order to implement the recent statutory changes enacted in House Bill 22-1018, effective April 21, 2022. Through this rulemaking, the Commission intends to adopt standard practices for utilities to use when disconnecting services due to a customer’s nonpayment.

The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) assigned to this matter has issued a  recommended decision and recommended rules. The Commission will review the  ALJ’s recommendations and any exceptions that may be filed by rulemaking participants. The rules will take effect 20 days after publication in the Colorado Register.

Opportunities to Participate

No further hearings are scheduled at this time.

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.

Proceeding No. 22M-0514E

Commission Examination of Potential Transmission Solutions for the San Luis Valley

On June 2, 2022, the Commission issued Decision No. C22-0270 in Proceeding No. 21A-0096E, and granted Public Service Company of Colorado a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for its Colorado Power Pathway 345 kilovolt Transmission Project. That decision also approved a settlement that recommended the Commission open a miscellaneous proceeding to solicit further comments and study the potential value in alternative transmission solutions into and out of Colorado’s San Luis Valley. The Commission subsequently opened this proceeding as a repository for comments and a means to further examine potential transmission solutions for the San Luis Valley.

The Commission requested initial comments be filed no later than Feb. 3, 2023. Additional requests for comment or scheduling decisions will be made by separate order.

Opportunities to Participate

No further public comment hearings have been scheduled in this matter.

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options).


Proceeding No. 23M-0464EG

Commission Implementation of Senate Bill 23-291 Related to Customer Connections and Disconnections to Electric and Gas Utility Systems

The Commission opened this proceeding to implement certain provisions of Senate Bill 23-291 related to customer connections to and disconnections from investor- owned electric and gas utility systems. One purpose of this proceeding is to facilitate the study the Commission must complete in compliance with this legislation into potential barriers to beneficial electrification of transportation and buildings and the deployment of distributed energy resources.

The Commission designated Commissioner Megan Gilman as Hearing Commissioner for this matter. The Hearing Commissioner has solicited comments from stakeholders and held a public comment hearing. Additional requests for comment or hearings will be scheduled by separate order.

Opportunities to Participate

The Hearing Commissioner will convene a public workshop on Feb. 5, 2024, to examine potential improvements to Public Service’s current processes for service requests. The workshop will be conducted using the web platform Zoom. Representatives from developers, builders, municipalities, and others interested in the interconnection process for new loads are encouraged to attend. Register in advance using the link on the Commission’s calendar here, or the registration link  here.

The Hearing Commissioner has also scheduled a workshop for Feb. 12, 2024, which will be focused on capacity constraints. The workshop will be conducted with representatives of Public Service familiar with the system constraints and planning. Members of the public may observe the workshop on the on the PUC YouTube Channel here.

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.

Proceeding No. 23M-0569EG

Commission’s Implementation of House Bill 23-1281 Concerning Utility Development of Clean Hydrogen Projects

On May 22, 2023, Governor Jared Polis signed into law House Bill 23-1281 which sets out measures to advance the use of clean hydrogen in Colorado. The Commission has opened this proceeding to gather information and data that will enable it to promulgate appropriate rules for the implementation of clean hydrogen projects, and to consider the requirements for and the analysis of applications for clean hydrogen projects by investor-owned utilities. The proceeding will also serve as a pre-rulemaking repository for relevant information in preparation for a future rulemaking.

The Commission has requested comments from utilities on specific questions. Those comments, along with comments filed by other stakeholders, are publicly available through the Commission’s website (click on the hyperlink in the Proceeding number above). The Commission will set further deadlines and procedural matters by separate order.

Opportunities to Participate

No further public comment hearings have been scheduled in this matter.

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.

Proceeding No. 22R-0491GPS

Rulemaking to Consider Amendments to the Commission’s Pipeline Rules.

The Commission is considering amendments to its pipeline safety rules (Rules 1100 et seq. of the Commission’s Rules Regulating Gas Pipeline Operators and Gas Pipeline Safety, 4 CCR 723-11). Among other purposes, the Commission is considering rule amendments to address recently enacted Senate Bill 21-108, which strengthens and streamlines Colorado’s laws governing gas pipeline safety.

The proposed rules are aimed at allowing innovations in technology and improving the rules in recognition of an aging infrastructure system, a growing population that increasingly encounters gas infrastructure, and climate change policy. The proposed rules recognize a shared responsibility for pipeline safety oversight among other federal and state agencies, commissions, and regulatory bodies.

On November 8, 2023, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) assigned to this matter issued a recommended decision and recommended rules (Decision No. R23-0744). Rulemaking participants have filed exceptions requesting that the Commission modify or reconsider certain of the recommended rules before adopting final rules.

The Commission reviewed and approved the recommended decision at its Weekly Commissioner Meeting on Wed., Jan. 17. A written decision will follow adopting the final rules with modifications. To view the recommended decision, click here.

The new and amended rules will take effect 20 days after publication in the Colorado Register.

Opportunities to Participate

No further public comment hearings are scheduled in this proceeding.

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or, by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.

Proceeding No. 23R-0085TO

Rulemaking to Consider Amendments to the Commission’s Towing Rules

The Commission is considering amendments to its rules regulating towing carriers (Rules 6500 through 6514 of the Commission’s Rules Regulating Transportation by Motor Vehicle). One purpose of this rulemaking is to implement the statutory changes recently enacted in House Bill 22-1314.

On October 24, 2023, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) assigned to the matter issued a recommended decision and recommended rules. Rulemaking participants then filed exceptions requesting the Commission reconsider certain of the recommended rules. The Commission examined the recommended decision and recommended rules along with the filed exceptions at its Commissioners’ Weekly Meeting on Feb. 7. The Commission issued Decision No.C24-0077, adopting the rules. The deadline for applications for rehearing, reargument, or reconsideration is Feb. 27, 2024. The  new and amended rules will take effect 20 days after publication in the Colorado Register.


Opportunities to Participate

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the PUC’s online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.


Proceeding No. 21R-0538R

Rulemaking to Consider Amendments to the Commission’s Rail Rules.

The Commission is considering amendments to its rules regulating railroad crossings (Rules 7001 through 7301 of the Commission’s Rules Regulating Railroads, Rail Fixed Guideways, Transportation by Rail, and Rail Crossings, 4 CCR 723-7). Among other updates and revisions, the Commission is considering rule amendments to implement the fining authority for noncompliance with rail crossing safety regulations and orders consistent with the authority granted in Senate Bill 19-236.

On September 22, 2023, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) assigned to the matter issued a recommended decision and recommended rules. Rulemaking participants then filed exceptions requesting the Commission reconsider certain of the judge’s findings and recommended rules.

On November 27, 2023, the Commission issued a decision addressing the exceptions and adopting final rules, in which it granted some of the requested modifications. Rulemaking participants have now filed requests for the Commission to reconsider the adopted rules and make further changes before they take effect.

The Commission will take up the stakeholders’ requests for reconsideration of the adopted rules at a public Commissioners’ Weekly Meeting in January 2024. After the Commission reaches a final decision in this proceeding, the new rules will take effect 20 days after publication in the Colorado Register.

Opportunities to Participate

Written public comments can be submitted through the PUC’s online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or, by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.

Proceeding No. 23R-0577T

Commission Rulemaking to Amend its 9-1-1 Rules

The Commission is considering amendments to its Basic Emergency Service Rules to clarify reporting requirements and other obligations related to 9-1-1 outages. The matter has been referred to an Administrative Law Judge to conduct the rulemaking and issue a recommended decision and recommended rules. The Commission will then consider the recommendations and adopt final rules. Once the Commission reaches a final decision, the rules will take effect 20 days after publication in the Colorado Register.

Opportunities to Participate

The Administrative Law Judge will convene a public comment hearing on January 29, 2024, starting at 11:30 a.m. and continuing until concluded by the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) for the purpose of receiving oral public comment on the proposed rules.  The hearing will be conducted using the Zoom web platform. Members of the public interested in observing or providing comment at the hearing can view additional details on the Commission’s calendar of events here.

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the PUC’s online comment form; by emailing comments to dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments. Comments can be provided at any time, and are requested by Feb. 12, 2024. The deadline for responsive comments to initial comments is Feb. 21, 2024.

Proceeding No. 23R-0522T

Commission Rulemaking to Implement House Bill 23-1051

Commission Rulemaking to Implement House Bill 23-1051. The Commission is  considering amendments to its rules regulating telecommunications providers, services, and products that would extend the High-Cost Support Mechanism fund that helps provide affordable and reliable telecommunication and broadband service for many rural communities in Colorado. The Colorado legislature recently enacted House Bill 23-1051, which amends state law to extend the high-cost support mechanism funding through Sept. 1, 2024.

The matter has been referred to an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)  to conduct the  Rulemaking and issue a recommended decision and recommended rules. The  Commission will then consider the recommendations and adopt final rules. Once the  Commission reaches a final decision, the rules will take effect 20 days after publication  in the Colorado Register.

Opportunities to Participate

 The ALJ convened a public comment hearing on Dec. 18, 2023, and no further public  comment hearings are scheduled at this time. 

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the PUC’s online comment form; by emailing comments to the dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.

Proceeding No. 23AL-0486T

CenturyLink Proposed Basic Emergency Service (9-1-1) Tariff Amendment.

The Commission has suspended and set for hearing a proposed tariff amendment to update CenturyLink’s Basic Emergency Service tariff. The Commission has referred this matter to an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), who will adopt a procedural schedule  Including any hearing dates.

Opportunities to Participate

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the PUC’s online comment form; by emailing comments to the dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.

Proceeding No. 23A-0197T

CenturyLink Application for Approval of 2023 Basic Emergency Service Provider Improvement Plan

The Commission is considering CenturyLink’s application for funding of certain improvements to its Basic Emergency Service (9-1-1) network. The Commission has referred this matter to an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) who will adopt a procedural schedule including any hearing dates.

On March 4, 2024, Qwest filed its Second Amended Application of Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC for 2023 Basic Emergency Service Provider Improvement Plan (Amended Application). CenturyLink explained that it is commonly referred to as “Lumen,” which is a trade name registered with the Se,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,l;;cretary of State for several affiliates. Thus, the application is amended to reflect CenturyLink as the Applicant and CenturyLink proposes that the caption be amended as follows: “In the Matter of the Application of Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC for 2023 Basic Emergency Service Provider Improvement Plan.”

Opportunities to Participate

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the PUC’s online comment form; by emailing comments to the dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.


Proceeding No. 23V-0274T

Area Code Petition

The Commission has granted a petition filed by the North American Number Plan Administrator to overlay the 970 area code region with an additional area code of 748. The timeline for the implementation of this new area code can be found in this proceeding. The current 970 area code is projected to run out of available phone numbers by the first quarter of 2026.

Opportunities to Participate

Written public comments can be submitted at any time through the PUC’s online comment form; by emailing comments to the dora_puc_website@state.co.us; or by mailing comments to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80202. Members of the public may also call (303) 869-3490 to leave oral comments by voicemail (English and Spanish options). Commenters should indicate the relevant proceeding number in their comments.

Proceeding No. 24R-0306E

About the Rulemaking

The Commission recently issued proposed rules that would require utilities to consult and engage with federally recognized Tribes and the Colorado Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation to identify potential impacts to the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site. The rules are drafted to recognize the role of local governments in siting decisions and to acknowledge that there are significant and complex federal, state, and local requirements for protecting cultural resources. The rules also propose processes for identifying whether other sites should be considered in Commission proceedings.

Utilities would be required to establish processes in their electric resource plans that ensure that bidders provide relevant information about cultural resource surveys and consultation with Tribal Nations. This information would help ensure the Commission has a robust understanding of potential impacts to the Sand Creek Massacre site and opportunities to mitigate them when it makes decisions about what energy resources to approve for regulated utilities.

Opportunities to Participate

This rulemaking is Proceeding No. 24R-0306E.  Proposed rules have been issued through a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Decision No. C24-0494 (issued July 11, 2024).  The proceeding is being overseen by an administrative law judge, who will issue a recommended decision on the rules in the coming months.

Agency staff held an informational meeting on the proceeding and rulemaking process on August 1, 2024, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. MT. The meeting recording can be found at the following link on YouTube: August 1 Information Meeting (YouTube link)

Agenda for August 1 meeting
Slides for August 1 meeting

Stakeholders also have the opportunity to provide comments both in writing and at an upcoming public comment hearing.  The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking requests initial written comments by August 9 and responsive comments by August 16.  Comments can be provided any time the proceeding remains open through the methods on the PUC website.

A virtual public comment hearing will be held on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, beginning at 11:00 a.m.  The hearing is anticipated to last until approximately 5:00 p.m., however, it may end significantly earlier depending on attendance.  The hearing will be conducted via Zoom.  Please register using the link provided on the public calendar: https://puc.colorado.gov/puccalendar.

To be notified in case of additional meetings or workshops on this topic, please sign up here.

If you would like to observe and not participate in upcoming events, they can be viewed live or recorded on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/@COPublicUtilitiesCommission.