Tariff Filings

Electric, gas, steam, telecommunications and water utilities (with the exception of telecommunications toll resellers), are required to file and maintain tariffs with the Commission.


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Obtaining Copies of Filings

See Commission E-Filings for document filings of advice and transmittal letters, and tariff and price lists.

Copies of tariffs, price lists, advice and transmittal letters, are available electronically by contacting Records Management. Electronic versions of advice letters and tariff filings may also be available by contacting the utility. Current tariffs may also be provided by utilities on their corporate websites.

Colorado Revised Statutes require that a copy of tariff filings for electric, gas, and steamservices must be provided to the Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate (UCA). These copies should be sent to: UCA, 1560 Broadway, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80202. Check company websites for posting of their effective tariffs.

Note. It may be necessary for jurisdictional utilities to file an advice letter and amend their tariff to reflect the change in the rate of interest to be paid on its customers' deposits. Generally, such filings are due on or before December 30.